Design and Implementation of a Visualized Operating System Simulation Using Java Multithreading

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Harper Robinson
Matthew Walker


The design and implementation of a simulation of the operating system provide insight into the fundamental working principles of computer operating systems and their various functional modules. By utilizing a visual interface, users can rapidly acquire basic theoretical knowledge of operating systems and understand the scheduling processes. As a program responsible for managing a computer's hardware and software resources, an operating system addresses issues such as memory management, process management, storage management, and device management. Employing a multi-threaded Java programming approach, the simulation system manages operating system transactions through coordinated thread management and visually displays various management functions using Java Swing components. This simulation system not only enhances users' interest in learning about operating systems but also offers a solution for visually demonstrating each function of the operating system.

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How to Cite
Robinson, H., & Walker, M. (2023). Design and Implementation of a Visualized Operating System Simulation Using Java Multithreading. Journal of Computer Science and Software Applications, 3(2), 14–22. Retrieved from