Smart Maritime Services: Optimizing Ship Traffic Management

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Yongai Sun
Hao Tang
Shiqi Yu
Caleb Morris
Nora Reed


In the development of an intelligent maritime infrastructure, establishing a maritime smart service is crucial for enhancing the efficiency of ships' port entry and exit, thereby minimizing the waiting time for loading and unloading goods. This study provides the foundational functionality for querying ship arrival and departure reports and visually presents this data through thorough analysis. By examining the ship arrival and departure reports, the study investigates the interprovincial maritime traffic and analyzes historical freight data to create preliminary profiles of ships. This analysis aims to understand the dependence of various provinces on goods and their roles within the industrial supply chain.The system's back-end architecture is built using the Spring Boot framework, while the front-end is developed with the Vue framework, enabling a clear separation of front-end and back-end development processes. For the storage and visualization of port entry and exit report data, the system employs a Doris database cluster to manage historical data efficiently. Visualization tasks are handled using the open-source Echarts library, facilitating the initial development and exploration of a data analysis system for ship entry and exit reports.

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How to Cite
Sun, Y., Tang, H., Yu, S., Morris, C., & Reed, N. (2022). Smart Maritime Services: Optimizing Ship Traffic Management. Journal of Computer Science and Software Applications, 2(3), 40–44. Retrieved from